Eagle Kachina Dolls
Eagle Native American Hand Crafted Kachina Doll AX122817
$559.98Hand Crafted Eagle Navajo Vase JX125875
$399.98Navajo Hand Crafted Eagle Pottery JX123744
$399.98Hand Crafted Eagle Navajo Vase JX125885
$399.98Native American Navajo Eagle Hand Crafted Pottery...
$359.98Hand Crafted Eagle Navajo Vase JX125881
$399.98Hand Crafted Eagle Navajo Vase JX125598
$199.98Native American Navajo Eagle Hand Crafted Pottery...
$399.98Hand Crafted Eagle Navajo Vase JX125883
The majestic Eagle Kachina doll is one of the most prized and loved Kachina dolls. Often posed with one foot lifted, the Eagle Kachina is dominating with its widespread feathers spanning high and a carved beak to traditionalize its look. An Eagle Kachina is easily a beautifully powerful image.
The Eagle Kachina is believed to be the ruler of the skies and a messenger from the Hopi people to the heavens. Though it is also considered a war Kachina of strength and power, it is more a symbol of aide to the Hopi people.
The Eagle Kachina may not be a delicate or subtle addition to any collection, but the history of eagles as a very strong and proud spirit animal makes this Kachina a very worth addition. If you choose to gift an Eagle Kachina, you are passing on the belief held that the Kachina will help to protect and fulfill wishes of the receiver. Of course, to have one’s own Eagle Kachina brings the same belief and is a startlingly grand accumulation to any home.