Kachina-Dolls.com Gift Guide

Find the perfect kachina for your loved ones using our Gift Guide.

Shop Navajo Kachina Dolls

Our Navajo Kachina Doll Collection: handcrafted by Navajo artisans, the Navajo Kachina Dolls are recognizable by the materials used to create them. Often made with feathers, strips of leather or fabric, and sitting on wood bases - the Navajo Kachina Dolls are finely crafted to represent various tribal roles and deities.

Shop Our Navajo Kachina Doll Collection

Shop Hopi Kachina Dolls

Our Hopi Kachina Doll Collection: handcrafted by Hopi artisans, the Hopi Kachina Dolls are made completely of carved wood. Each element of the Kachina is carved into recognition and then painted to reveal the entire story of the doll. The Hopi used these dolls to communicate with the spirit world.

Shop Our Hopi Kachina Doll Collection

Shop For Birthdays

Buffalo - Great protector for a new birth year.

Crow Mother - Protector of children.

Chasing Star - Resurrection from one year to next.

Deer - Provides great bounty and harvest for another season.

Eagle - Provides strength and power.

Rainbow - Brings peace and harmony to life.

Sunface - Brings warmth and a bright future.

Warrior - Provides security and protection.

Shop For Graduations

Buffalo - Great spiritual protector against evil.

Chief - Embodies the great power of knowledge.

Deer - Provides a great bounty or bountiful future.

Eagle - Represents great power and strength.

Owl - Represents great power of knowledge.

Sunface - Brings a bright future.

Warrior - Used in war it can bring security and safety.

Wolf - Often used to pray prior to hunting, it represents knowledge in finding the right path.

Shop For Weddings & Anniversaries

Bear - Represents great power and is often used to protect health.

Buffalo - Great spiritual protector against evil.

Deer - Used in dances to call for more deer; provides a bountiful season.

Eagle - Represents great strength and power.

Kokopelli - Known as the fertility god.

Morning Singer - Represents awakenings or new beginnings, such as each morning begins a new day.

Rainbow - Represents peace and harmony.

Sunface - Brings warmth and a bright future.

Shop For Housewarmings

Badger - Provides healing and well-being.

Bear - Represents great power and also provides well-being.

Buffalo - Great spiritual protector against evil.

Eagle - Represents great strength and power.

Hemis - Represents the happiness of a successful harvest - brings abundance and joy.

Hototo - Represents the preparation of food from a great harvest - brings bounty and community.

Kokopelli - Known as the fertility god.

Sunface - Brings warmth and a bright future.

Shop For Mother's Day

Chief - Represents a great protector.

Crow Mother - Protector of children.

Eagle - A Kachina of great strength and power.

Morning Singer - Awakens each new day and breaks darkness of night.

Owl - A symbol of intelligence and wisdom.

Sunface - Brings warmth and a bright future.

Shop For Father's Day

Bear - Represents great power.

Chief - Embodies the great power of knowledge.

Eagle - A Kachina of great strength and power.

Owl - Represents knowledge and wisdom.

Warrior - Often used in war, this Kachina brings security.

Wolf - Prayed to before hunting, provides knowledge in finding game.

Shop Appreciation Gifts

Deer - Used in dances to bring bounty and abundance.

Eagle - Represents strength and power.

Hemis - Represents the happiness of a successful harvest and brings abundance.

Hototo - Represents the preparation of food from a successful harvest and brings a sense of gratitude.

Rainbow - Brings peace and harmony.

Sunface - Brings warmth and a bright future.

Shop For Major Life Events

Buffalo - A great spiritual protector against evil.

Chasing Star - Resurrects those that have fallen from the sky and returns them to the stars.

Chief - Embodies the great power of knowledge.

Eagle - A Kachina of strength and power.

Morning Singer - Begins each day newly with a song.

Wolf - Prayed to before hunting, it possesses knowledge in finding game and the right path.